There is a country in the world poem

Following is an excerpt of ¨There is a country in the world poem¨ (original title: Hay un Paìs en el Mundo) by Dominican Poet Pedro Mir. The poem transitions from describing the beautiful land to lamenting its problems, using imagery that is dark and sad and powerful. It is clear to a reader knowledgeable of Dominican history that this poem was written during the Trujillo Era, and that the author most likely got in trouble for writing it. This is what makes it even more interesting to me. That, having forgotten Pedro Mir’s biography from elementary and high school, I can still recognize that old country he writes about, and even the time which inspired his words.

There is a country in the world
situated right in the sun’s path.
A native of the night.
Situated in an improbable archipelago
of sugar and alcohol.
Simply light,
like a bat’s wing leaning on the breeze.
Simply bright,
like the trace of a kiss on an elderly maiden
or daylight on the roof tiles.
Simply fruitful. Fluvial. And material. And yet
simply torrid, abused and kicked
like a young girl’s hips.
Simply sad and oppressed.
Sincerely wild and uninhabited.
In truth.
With three million
life’s sum total
and all the while
four cardinal cordilleras
and an immense bay and another immense bay,
three peninsulas with adjacent isles
and the wonder of vertical rivers
and earth beneath the trees and earth
beneath the rivers and at the edge of the forest
and at the foot of the hill and behind the horizon
and earth from the cock’s crow
and earth beneath the galloping horses
and earth over the day, under the map, around
and underneath all the footprints and in the midst of love…

Click here for the full original version in Spanish.

La raiz que te habita – poema

Pablito was a fellow poetry blogger who showed up on my blog in 2007 and called me his muse. He gave me small writing challenges I used as exercise. I didn’t know much about Pablito, but believe he was a literature student… had to be. While I was someone writing to vent with a limited vocabulary, the keyboard smiled at him pouring with imagery, words, assertiveness. I labeled his poetry and prose chaotic, risqué and provocative (all three great attributes from my point of view).

La raíz que te habita. Photo por el biólogo Francisco Alba Suriel. Planta El ratón Mickey (Ochna kirkii)
La raíz que te habita. Photo por el biólogo Francisco Alba Suriel. Planta El ratón Mickey (Ochna kirkii)

One day, Pablito disappeared never to be heard from again… but not before leaving me this wonderful gift:


Vuelves al grito que te libera
deseo y afán
y crees y vives
tocas la lluvia el trigo
la raíz de los almendros
ves el ojo demente del crepúsculo
el gorrión que desgarra
la vieja piel del alba
y contigo gira el mundo
totalmente desnudo bajo las piedras
regresas de los muertos
y vuelves a la vida
y risa y canto
y libertad te sientes

(This poem is for you, my chaotic and beautiful friend)

By Paul Knopfler – 2007

Wherever you are Pablito, smiles to you. Hope you found a new muse.

La raiz que te habita.


Cerré los ojos y al abrirlos encontré tu sonrisa; y al tomarme de mano me guiabas en un círculo de danzas en el pasto de esa pequeña loma en la cual, sólo minutos antes, las vacas comían en tranquilidad. Respiré sociego y empaté tu sonrisa, sintiendo gozo… del tipo que trae paz. Me abrazaste y te abracé; y abrazados ceramos los ojos, sonrisas en labios. Al respirar el oxígeno es puro y al rededor todo es luz. Hay silencio y luego sonrisas, más aun… al abrir nuestros ojos y mirarnos, agarrados de manos… rondando círculos sin cansar. Y al acercarnos, te miraba, acariciando tu pelo… quitándolo de entre tus ojos, contemplando su color incomprometido, misterioso, esplendoroso. Eres tan hermoso como te recordaba. Recordaba que al verte cada día, sentía que te veía por primera vez. Esto lo experimenté de nuevo. Y no era amnesia. Esto no me pasa con nadie… mas me pasa contigo. En mis ojos hay luz cuando te miro, en mis labios sonrisas y en mi corazon PAZ.

By tuttysan © 2010

El viejo y la pipa – poema

Pintura original de Susano Alberto Gutierrez – original painting by Susano Alberto Gutierrez

El Viejo y la Pipa

Compré un traje para una fiesta a la que no fui invitado.

Estoy esperando a alguien que no quedó en llegar.

Sigo aquí, pelando pa’ que otro chupe;

amolando y siempre boto,

queriendo y no pudiendo.

Y no sé si querré ir

a ese lugar de donde no llegan noticias.

Cinco años viviendo con tu fantasma.

Tu en mi, yo sin ti.

Por tuttysan © 2010

Dedicado a la memoria de mi abuelo Alenjandro Sánchez. Que descanse en paz y en bromas papá.

El viejo y la pipa – poema. English version “The old man with a pipe“.