Antonia Wang’s Latest Titles – Los libros más recientes de Antonia Wang
Taste of Salt: Poems on Love and Life
Explore tender moments, unfulfilled desires, and the echoes of shared experiences in this captivating poetry collection. Themes of love, loss, and longing weave seamlessly together, offering interludes of contemplation and delight. “Taste of Salt: Poems on Love and Life” delves into the nuanced nature of love, highlighting the interplay of presence and absence in meaningful relationships.
Available in paperback and ebook at Amazon, Apple Books, Nook by Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Smashwords, and other digital booksellers and library apps.
Praise for Antonia’s Poetry:
“The thing that strikes me first in Antonia’s words, is that you will feel them – deeply. The second is that once you have read them, you are changed… Antonia’s writing is food for the soul – in this day and age where we are starving for beauty and inspiration, this work is nourishment.”
“Whether Antonia is writing about grief, loss, relationships, or elation, she relates our deepest feelings perfectly… Her poetry sparks our imagination and our self-belief and motivates the reader to expand their horizons and reach for their dreams. We are reminded to love and respect ourselves first before we look to outside influences.”
Antonia Wang’s poetry is unique, rhythmic, and it appeals to the senses and feeling in a unique way. She takes things that are simple — contact with nature, self-awareness, the human touch —and transforms them into poetry that is uplifting and thought-provoking. This is unusual poetry, highly descriptive in style, and observant, each poem a world to step into.”
“Wang’s poetry offers profound clarity into the powerful emotions that are experienced throughout life; from falling in love and betrayal to losing a loved one. Joy, delight, sadness, and melancholy are captured in these poems. Everyday moments, such as making a cup of tea, are also beautifully detailed.”
“Antonia turns the world on its heavy head and suddenly life is juicy light. All it takes is a truthful image gracefully framed as she so tenderly reveals in these plentiful bites of magic.”